SMART™ Postal platform: 
end-user centric (Œ-solution™)
To see video demonstration: mouse-click at the picture below.
Local printing of standard letters (SMART PAPER post) to omit letters travelling costs to sorting centers (Hybrid Mail)
Win-win-win strategy: we connect convenience shops with bills SMART™ printing & payment facility (e.g. at self-service payment area of S-shops). Shop wins (comission) - biller wins (less payment delays) - consumer wins (less to pay thanks to mobile payment cash-back)
(c) SMART PAPER, 2016
MIT, USA, 2012 white paper
Nice video of popular business angels discussion with "Sharks" (US-name) or "Dragons" (UK-name) re. (similar to) our...
Posted by Владимир Барышников on 7 Июнь 2015 г.
SOLD to 'SHARKS' - a similar company:
100K EUR for 20% equity of "Hybridmail Ltd."
- with 165K EUR net profit
- and production of ONLY 1,5 Million letters p.A. = 0,01% of the market volumes 18 Billion letters in UK.
- 10% of Finnish market (of 0,6 Billion letters p.A.) = 60 M after year1
- i.e. we'll be 40 times bigger than "Hybridmail Ltd.", UK. And VAS!
Banks / blockchain vs telecoms for consumers benefits
Problem: Decision of Supreme Court of Finland that Elisa may charge 1,9 EUR per paper bill
Solution: BANK / or blockchain cloud increases consumer trust & distributes VAS via SMART PAPER™ bills
BANK / or blockchain app may increase mass VAS acquisition and retention rates using Finnish technology of Mobile Access & Interaction/ MAI™ for VAS access from SMART PAPER letters:
- incentivizing consumers to pay utility and telecom bills by smartphones ‘in2clicks’ WITH BENEFITS
at SMART™ barcodes: dynamic discounting; more security of paper bills, thanks bank approved SMART PAPER™ forms (3M); quick m-access to BANK partners’ VAS
- more consumer satisfaction from (BANK enhanced) digital services: e.g. less cart abandonment in e-commerce thanks authorization ‘in1click’; better e-Gov access
- offering VAS via paper bills, 50% less costly than telecoms (e.g. 0,95 EUR per bill with integrated customer loyalty /bank ID card): increasing trust to BANK / PPP (blockchain) solutions
- offering consumers to control their data usage: not telecom, but consumer decides who will print his personal letters FROM CONSUMER-controlled BANK cloud
- more eco-friendly than electronic bills: SMART PAPER™ combines e-channels&paper
- SMART PAPER™ saves 50% to 60% of paper (and more: by ‘consumer cloud’ consolidated mail) vs enveloped letters & increases accessibility of information to consumers.
How it works:
- BANK/PPP offers SMART™ bills system: electronic + paper at 50% price of telecom paper bills
- consumer orders e-bills (in pdf form) from telecom to be sent to VPN / proprietary secure e-mail address of consumer, leveraging consumer's agreement with his BANK/PPP
- Telecom sends to consumer's VPN e-bill
- consumer's VPN forwards this e-bill automatically to BANK/PPP, leveraging ‘as-a-Service’ agreement
- bill at SMART PAPER is delivered via alternative post* (e.g. JYS, SSM, alias, taxi) i.e. cost-effectively.
* cf. telecoms paper bills prices (e.g. Elisa for 1,9 EUR) via Posti’s e-letters NetPosti/i-Post
(c) SMART PAPER, 2016