We plan a new app for new business model / #circulareconomy,
in addition to last mile delivery of mass B2C & G2C letters via distribution centers of alternative non-postal operators.
to pick up mass B2C & G2C letters from libraries by licensed SME and authorized (beta.suomi.fi) private persons for home delivery AT NIGHT
- to show at ULTRAHACK-2016 (track 'Hack the Nation') and at SLUSH.
We, SMART PAPER, provide so called Hybrid Mail / SMARTϪ Documents & SMARTϪ Letters:
on-demand / ad hoc distributed local printing & last-mile delivery
by alternative / non-postal operators, thus saving 10...40% of postage costs,
in collaboration with providers of decentralized printing SoftWare and UpCode (mobile printed code-ID /MAI technology), at SMART PAPER preprinted forms (self-mailers: alternative to envelopes, Pressure Seal technology for 3M, Germany).
Thanks to new technologies in Finland (what3words, beta.suomi.fi) we plan to change localities of printing of mass letters:
- to big libraries, to make last mile delivery accessible for small businesses
and for private persons, subject to awaited regulation changes.
We incentivize 'SMART courriers' by 20...30 cents eco-pantti/cashback per delivered letter.
Each logistics action en-route 'library-household' is seen at UpCode cloud in1click at 2D-code printed at letter
- what3words integrated, to see inside 2D-code: download free code reader at upcode.mobi.
SmartPaper™ platform: we enrich paper documents by electronic VAS for secure IoE
- Problem / Solution
50% of consumers prefer paper bills; direct mail, e-commerce, travel Documents (Docs) = paper
We offer print service to big senders of mass B2CG2C paper letters: Hybrid Mail selfmailers (no envelopes), parallel delivering e-content to decentralized clouds / e.g. to user’s secure VPN
- it pushes softly consumers to eDocs by incentives of SmartPaper™ Docs: MobilePay /Auto ID VAS / DCB with discounts / bitcoin points, in2clicks at non-postal ‘what3words’ SMART barcode
- it saves 10...90% of paper letter costs*: we print Docs at last mile to recipients, 100% track&trace
- it saves one or two A4 sheets per letter (we use Legal size duplex printed forms): eco-friendly
We combine e-channels/omni with comfort of paper and build quick&secure mobile access to digital services, targeted to each consumer' unique habits (BigData used in MyData paradigm).
Market, FI: save up to 30 cents x 600M letters p.A. (70% x 836M); EU: x 35B paper bills, 2015
- How it works.
SmartPaper™ is synergy of world approved technologies, new materials + own know-how:
Pressure Sealed self-mailers (3M); Hybrid Mail; UpCode MAI™ 2D-codes, what3words, MailMark.
To start-up in Finland, we must install a network of SMART printing sites for securely local access to sealed SMART letters, by non-postal operators & ‘piggybaggy’ 2D-authorized: SME, couriers:
- we cloud-connect local printers for ad hoc access by courier to Hybrid Mail Docs (see e.g. dual delivery of Swiss Post for DBahn; Burgenland gov’t, Austria; German alternative postal operators)
- we securely (PIN cover) add SMART PAPER Pressure Seal folders to chosen local printers
- print at alternative postal operators (JYS, SSM); SME; libraries network - saves 50% of costs
- Pilot in Espoo, Dec.2016 (at market’s 10%); EBITDA: 0,5...5 ¢/letter (form/VAS)
Speed: 2.000...9.000...80.000 letters/h; costs (PS-folders): 2K...20K...100K€; ‘cloud’ SW: 500 K€
10% = 60 M pcs p.A. / 200 K€ for 15 printing sites + 500 K€ for ‘cloud’. EBITDA: 300 K €...3 M €
Scaling to 80% of market (at 20% of land): 2,55 M€ for 150 sites. EBITDA: 3...30 M€, 1...2 years
SmartPaper™ letters' integrated SMART stickers with UpCode MAI™ 2D-codes provide a new channel of communication for societies, own know-how: pre-printed UpCode merge with MailMark
- mobile payments, e-Gov mass access: comfortable, secure, easy for digitally non-educated/aged
- IoT security, no 'Big Brother' of our data – via switching ON/OFF right to access VPN: MyData
* e.g. Russia saves 150 M € postage p.A.: Post had to drop tariffs by 85% for SmartPaper™ utility bills