What if a library Coop patron SEAMLESSLY asks to scan a limited edition textbook from your home / YOUR cooperative
- and to GIFT its last-mile printed on-demand UNIQUE copy, AI-adjusted to the UNIQUE needs of him/her?
We develop the MyData Global (human-centric by-design) P2P seamless cultural experiences (UX)-sharing Button
via The Nordic Library+ Network, F¡NDS/SAVA (watch The Winners, #1).
It should kill Amazon's data scraping & predatory (so ALA) pricing of e-books for libraries;
and provide LOCALLY GLOBAL book choice, increasing your intrinsic values.
If this book is not available via your local library's website,
the GIFT gets support from municipal budget / a volunteer HERO:
- when we achieve our Common Good & Inclusion, i.e. SDG 10, 4.
Watch 2 minutes amateur video, how last-mile access can be organized, via local community or by Post.
Minilibrary Cabinets are third party's deliverable, it's one of the solutions for the last-mile access to UX.
More info below.
Explanation of ‘3Nordic Hack Projects’ synergy. How it may work.
3NordicHackProjects NordicHackSynergyExplained
1. These 3 projects pursue the SAME goal: Local Access to intrinsic values / to the cultural UX’s.
2. Suggestion for the start. Next: discuss with Refillistic common Points-of-Access (laundry etc.)
To discuss cooperation between both ‘ecosystem approach’ like-minded tech builders, FINDS & TheHeroLoop. Like minded, for Privacy by-design; intrinsic values; community tokens ‘in1click’.
3. How it may work. Key words: dissemination of Access; of Awareness; Seamless; by Habit, ToRi*
*ToRi: 2Dcode in theTOpRIght corner, the STICKY habit approach, to click/touch the ToRi interface; 2D-audio-code in Korea at public paper documents, for Visually Impaired People, VIP: VoicEye.
HL neighbour (HLN) can collect (physically & virtually) stickers from FINDS books/website at ToRi:
- FINDS stickers are HYBRID: digitally provided by UpCode¹ e-Wallet; for MyData NGO, NGI
- UpCode also provides access to DYOI platform, Disposable Yet Official Identity in internet
- Physical UpCode’d stickers are last-mile delivered at oeBooks. Œ = OpenEurope Access.
- So that any HLN may reposition stickers from oeBook to her/his comfortable PoA, Point-of-Access to the services. Like at her / his door at home, at her wallet, phone cover etc.
- Hence oeStickers for 1click access, to HL & FINDS / SmartPaper purposes: SDG 4, 10.
4. Goods for HLA home delivery can be organized by HL-like crowd-logistics Piggy Baggy (photo).
WHY is it important to access THAT one book / library event, I need in THIS moment of my life HERE?
WHY & HOW of The New Normal: legacy book Minority Report. WHAT cures Learning Inequality?
Human-centric Hybrid Bœk for Hybrid Library: crowd-scanned, local-printed, Piggy-Baggy2home
There are dozens of issues - like ineffective learning, exclusion, digital divide - caused by the legacy library systems, built 1500 years ago in a provider-centric way, for rare books & geo-divided society.
Main issue: non-user-centric SERVICE DESIGN can’t fulfill the core library service use, Public Good: KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCES, that I need, NOW, in Triple-A quality - Accessible, Affordable, FAIR.
HOW to bring the library in accordance with to-date digital era presumption: information/UX (book content/event) is always web-click-away? WHO holds the key to the library services development?
Let’s start with e-book’s content, then watch if UX/paper book content ‘web-click-away’ follow suit.
Researches on non-fair eLending prices for libraries & archives (thanks OpenGLAM community), librarians interviews - show WHY are they (are they?) developments averse, & WHO prevents access
- Publishers - like any (information) gate-keeper – tend to limit the information access, in order to monetize their gate-keeper privileges. Have WE / myself authorized them to keep the key to progress of Education, Learning, Accessibility? OpenAccess can tell this story.
- A publisher – like every capitalist – needs to grow their business. Are we / myself interested that publisher business grows? Or are we interested that the library service quality grows?
- HOW should a HERO behave, when his/her (robotic) servant degrades or doesn’t develop the service quality? The answer is clear, we’d replace the servant or fix the robot’s output.
It would take too long to replace the publishers/gate keepers’ business as the US gov’t tries (shows?)
In my opinion, we should try to agile-innovate it: A/B test the US, SurCap vs the EU way, bottoms-up.
HOW to do it the EU way: by turning it down from head-to-roots - to user-centric, bottoms-up built.
I belong to MyData Global (non-profit) experts’ & activists’ community; my expertise is in security printing business / personalized paper documents business models development.
I will combine grassroots approach
with the latest achievements of for-profit technologies of DUAL (paper & e-) book printing
- to make any book accessible, affordable, via FAIR data processing, non-rival data economy
- in Project Teams: ŒBœks™ (Project 1) and Nordic Library+ Network, F¡NDS™ (Project 2)
- leveraging Public-Private-People partnership, data cooperative models, like e.g. TheHeroLoop
- and comfort of last-mile Points-of-Access to Nordic culture-aligned experiences, like Refillistic.
HOW to start it agile way: 1. Agree on definitions. ‘A book’ & ‘digitalisation4All’ serve good & evil.
We need ‘My book’ & ‘My digitalisation’ patterns, for Public Good & for my individual benefits.
Logically, we need to define 1.1 ‘Common goods’ & 1.2 ‘My benefits’. 1.1 see Wikipedia 1.2 MyData.
If we agreed on ‘Knowledge’ = ‘Common Good’ > can we invent ‘Library ŒBœks’ = ‘Common Goods’?
Logically, from the latest science studies: ‘Common Goods’ need PPPP, data coop, NON-RIVAL data economy;
MyData approach > Self-Sovereign ID, Disposable Yet Official ID, Right2Service authenticity vs ID/PDS
For PDS, Personal Data Storage safe functions, see MyData Operators, IT best practices: Edge AI etc.
WHAT: we’ll start by ŒBœks™ & F¡NDS™ trials (events, website UX) at prospect customers, libraries.
ŒBœks™. MVP_2clicks mock-up library web Button: e-book, 2Dcode & paper letter, home delivered
Collaborate_UpCode > Enisoft > HELMET FIN Library (Vantaa, Oodi, Aalto Uni) > Otava/Archive > Riso
F¡NDS™. MVP_mock-up library website functions trials / demo.
Collaborate_Website Software (Swedish?) provider > Events Software provider > Library.se (-ies).
“Library eLending hurts author income”, is a false narrative.
Facts: libraries may be critical to the success of new, niche, and midlist authors” From eLending survey (page 6): 9 libraries & consortia; 17,532 to 115,899 books in each one.
From my input to #MyData
I 'd like to crowdsource here - in Facebook the task to (Russian speaking) mathematicians:
- please formulate in English the solution definition of the Nash embedding theorem, for a universally Accessible Format (like PDF/UA, but) to embed any paper book's scanned content into #IndiviDUALbœk / paper+digital content.
It'd leverage #MyData approach for solving some ubiquity issues of (personal) data interoperability:
for eBooks ubiquity, limited today by Copyright'ed publishers = for a 250K € grant.
When formulated, I'll ask @pdehaye to re-write this task: for #ScanTent @uniinnsbrusk*** / Europeana READ-like**** projects. It might help to IHAN.
И на родном языке.
Я прошу математиков здесь сформулировать частный случай теоремы Нэша - для решения следующей задачи (по-английски, т.к. решать её дальше я попрошу Paul-Olivier Dehaye):
- существует ли такой UA/Universally Accessible формат представления книжных данных (типа PDF/UA, но) - более высокого уровня, чем любой применяемый издателями формат eBooks (like epub, DAISY, fb2 etc.), с помощью которого можно было сделать общедоступными эти электронные библиотеки (но Сopyright-защищёнными)?
Я знаю несколько частных решений (например, OCR/Optical Characters Recognition systems, like Google lens; VoicEye.сom; #AccessibilityNow), но меня интересует:
- существует ли некий универсальный формат, более высокого уровня, типа Word (но не Word, т.к. мы не в силах - пока - истребовать исходный файл в Word от издателей/авторов)?
Этот формат будет переведён в общедоступный Master file (но только авторизованному пользователю https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OAuth) - для издания затем книги в электронном или бумажном формате (в т.ч. для слабовидящих и слепых).
Преобразовывать в Master file сканированный с бумажной книги текст (#Host3Books4PlanS) - мы поручим Университету Инсбрука (#ScanTent @uniinnsbrusk / Europeana READ-like projects).
Чтобы из этого формата высокого уровня - любой авторизованный пользователь (чья привилегия будет authenticated с помощью личного UpCode, "снятого" с его/её #IndiviDUALbœk) - мог получать Master file, автоматически переводимый в любой (derivative) формат электронной книги И В ФОРМАТ PDF/UA.
Задачка эта - не абстрактная: за лучшее решение - грант 250К €.
Решившему эту формулировку я обещаю 10% (т.е.1/5 от моих 50%; я надеюсь приз поделить пополам с Paul-Olivier Dehaye), если смогу выиграть данный грант.
И далее - это решение может стать частью финского проекта стандарта перс. данных IHAN - и на уровне ЕС.
DUALbooks & oeBooks
- on Facebook
Blind people in S.Korea know how to access Learning via a paper book: smartphone extracts its audio content by scan of book corner's QR-code.
Population consists of minorities, often under-served due to their different needs & issues, like Visually Impaired People (VIP); immigrants; elderly; youth; rural citizen; coders; anarchists etc. But they all have the common need: desire to Learn.
Our SmartPaper.fi connects indiviDUAL minority Persona's Learning need - with a paper book's cloud features, in1click at book ISBN code at the TOpRIght corner = ScanToRi habit for Learning.
What is your issue, badly needed to be served, by Public Library AI?
E.g. by Helmet's Pocket Library app, in Finland
#DUALbœks enable secure Accessibility & Availability of Knowledge: scan its invisible QR-code, behind it's visible ISBN.
Watch my Prezi of Personas (click at Our Customers > Personas).
More info: Prezi of oeBooks;
how it works, PPT.
- on Twitter

#MyData #SafeBœks
(Leveraging Ray Kurzweil's* "working backwards from my FUTURE speech")
Let’s prophet my TED Speech in 2023.
Five years back, in 2018, I decided to pivot my startup SmartPaper.fi (SP)
from non-enveloped Letters to #SafeBœks,
as Finnish investors didn't trust in paper letters for Digital Era.
So, I told myself: let’s leverage trust in paper books and in PublicLibraries (PL)!
And then…
"We re-design public library books to cure digital exclusion"
sounded NOT as a measurable incentive for a publisher / PL book purchasing departments. Though statistics confirmed, that at least 10% of PL loans fail, due to legacy book printing technology and PL procurement law (for bestsellers, rare books, books for Visually Impaired)
i.e. wasting 30 M €, of taxpayer PL funding, in Finland.
Vs. 100K €, funds needed, for decentralized on-demand printing (POD) for ca. 100K people.
So, the issue even worsened: for SP Letters I couldn't persuade investors (whereas customers would like to spend less for postage costs);
but for SP Books even my prospective customers
- public libraries/PL & publishers -
didn't see (future) values vs. legacy book business models’ UX: STOre/LIbrary/CLub.
No-one was responsible (punished) for “don’t fix what’s not broken” attitude of PL’s:
- neither PL or Universities’, nor the new Finnish Gov’t Ministers who told me that
- Enhanced Learning & Societal Inclusion of UnderServedPeople are in their to-do lists
- and publishers wouldn’t like to disrupt legacy, even Otava: min. POD batch = 30 pcs.
For breaking down the status quo, I had to:
(1) articulate the values for customer(s) paying for Enhanced Learning, Societal Inclusion
(2) merge the legacy book business models UX: STOre/LIbrary/Club to STOLIX-LUX.
Lucid Dream*:
- leverage (existing) mechanism of financing of (book) copying in PL: patron “pays4copy”
- so, PATRONS circumvent the legacy COSTLY and time-consuming access to Learning.
But the issue was still there: how-to start #SafeBœk production in1copy (3D-cœpying),
- before the needed trial printer is installed (e.g. in the Helsinki Central Public Library).
And my unfair competitive advantage helped:
- I had rich int’l collaboration expertise in personal data for paper & security printing
- so I called to CEO of one of the Europe’s biggest POD printers and asked his help
- it was in his vital interest to spread existing book-of-one ordering - to EL&SI of USP
- like Europeana & DP.LA books, also for Visually Impaired and GDPR-enhanced
- if a patron pays4copy when the needed book is not available from a public library**.
* http://bit.ly/KurzweilMethods
** Abstract
Bio-degradable book cover, with human-centric security QR-codes, on-demand printed in minutes, locally, in one copy, tailored to the unique under-served person's needs & Enhanced Learning.
When the needed book is not available from a public library (PL), the #SafeBoeck’s access habit ‘in1click4privacy’, at Security-Printed Optical Codes
- provides mass access to Learning.
We disseminate via SmartPaper.fi books - the personal benefits from ethical best practices of #MyData Global NGO, for society-under-served people.
E.g.: PL books in Accessible Formats for Visually Impaired,
in immigrant’s own language;
with quick physical access to PL best-sellers and PL rare books (VoicEye digital master file);
digital twins & siblings http://bit.ly/oeBookPPT:
AR-visible, AI co-created anonymously (DID), real-time & context-related contents.
“In 2018, no issue is more important than user privacy
–or the lack of it.
In other words, we live in a commercial surveillance state”. Fast Company, 13.9.2018
We, SmartPaper.fi spread THE ethics of IoT: Privacy.
DUALbooks push the Envelope: “THE Safe Internet” .
And you - user, push its “button”: MyData.
- Book-as-a-message
- Book-as-Red Envelope (Chinese gift giving habit. But we do it GDPR-conform) =
= massive spreading digitalisation in societies, by combination of mobile & tradition
- THE Envelope-as-IHAN-carrier (Human Data Exchange Standard: SITRA, Finland)
(e.g.: safe e-elections tool: Double Envelope; #DUALbooks’ tool: OWNed envelope)
- Book cover’s OWN sticker-as-Interface, on-demand
- DUAL Things-for-Human senses: @ + tactile&image
- SMART codes-for Human senses: readable, fun/game
- EdgeAI: we keep MyData safe / at book’s cover.
Control is more than ownership: OWN sticker > control its code > control YOUR data accessed via this code.
Keeping-IT-simple: show OWN code (for access, quick payment, secure interaction).
Let me see
Who likes coffee,
And who likes tea!"
(Gamified low latency & low energy ledger in high-uncertainty)
Safe digital services should be enabled by state regulations & users habits/benefits, as safe sex or safe driving:
- at first: activate the precautions against harm - like safety belt in car and anti-virus-sex pills (preservatives are another form of physical barrier)
- and only then start the endeavor.
Our - SmartPaper.fi - (offline - thus non-hackable) safety barrier is physical: #DUALbook's sticker as interface&filter for abuse-free internet access & interaction.
For safe & data-abuse-free MyData internet access one can use e.g. VPN and the F-Secure solution SENSE, as well as hundreds of other secure (?) & cool :-) methods and tools.
Diversity of offerings and data breaches/misuse scandals confuse a non-techie user: how to choose the best for him & easy-to-use solution, for all possible scenarios - mobile gadgets, public desktops, Wi-Fi...
We leverage traditional & emotional behaviors - like in China mobile messengers boosted (to 100+ times more than in US+EU) usage of mobile payments by digitizing hundreds-years-old cash gifts in RED ENVELOPES.
But - contrary to China - we enable mass distribution of behavioral tool for GAFAs-(& Big Brother-)free interactions: based at keeping interaction data at consumer's private cloud / EdgeAI, tokenizing user data, Decentralized IDs.
Our behavioral tool works in2gestures, looks like 'crossing-oneself' / blessing the other, i.e. "to make the sign of the cross in front of something as a sign of Christian reverence or to invoke divine protection". But we propose 'divine-crossing' of a book's cover: opening book's SMART sticker to a web-camera/gadget; in future: via Li-Fi,
- thus invoking 'divine' protection before switching-on own or a public gadget.
The vertical top-down gesture (of a 'blessing' cross) opens a SMART envelope (i.e. - book's SMART dust jacket) - by pulling its integrated silk thread, that tears-off the perforation of the longer side of envelope (at initial access to the SMART book). And then the horizontal gesture positions book's dust jacket (SMART detachable sticker) so, that its SMART 2D-code (UpCode) is exposed to line of sight of a web camera/gadget.
Also SMART PAPER books dust jackets replace PLASTIC lamination of books by libraries, saving our oceans from micro-plastic eaten by fish/people.
Unique is the ability of UpCode system to update algorithms of digital/mobile interactions - based at (book's / library registered) user's EdgeAI (cloud) profile and context (of a book & of environment, where the initial transaction takes place). So, user's gadgets start working according to CONTROLLED by USER (MyData) algorithms (via UpCode remote servers or offline). Thus avoiding surveillance, hacking, GAFAs data abuse: seamlessly.
Our solution lies in mass distribution of this seamless 'crossing-oneself' behavior - via public library books and also via SMART 2D-codes of mass paper messages (B2C & G2C letters in SMART envelopes, mass products' packaging): benefits-born habits.
This distribution leverages ubiquity of paper books (& saving costs of books - by SMARTPAPER distribution) and updating by SMART PAPER encoding of existing proprietary 2D-codes (Data Matrix) systems of official documents and mass products.
E.g. Finland: 600 mln. p.A. B2C & G2C letters; several billions 2d-coded mass products packages; from 2019 all EU pharma packages are obligatory 2D-coded.
See below (02/06/2018) Part I (Digital Technology for Social Innovation) of the Case Study #DUALbooks.
Part II. Social Innovation.
Social Innovation of #DUALbooks: life improvement by engagement to deep reading, self-aiming attention to learning; from top-down-manipulated to bottom-up-created, healthy life contexts. Have fun!
Beneficiaries of paradigm shift from ‘abusing attention’/from ‘paper vs. e-media’ - to #DUALbook: publishers, drifting from GAFA-dominated online ads - to Edge AI / user-created contents of DLA.
Diffusion actors: libraries, research org's.
Part III. Sustainability. Sustainability assessment tool: CASI-F.
Technology visionaries, such as Elon Musk from Tesla Motors, Bill Gates from Microsoft and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, are warning that super-intelligence is a serious danger for humanity, possibly even more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Me too, as Open Knowledge FIN, MyData activist.
#DUALbooks develop a model, similar to “New Internet”, to expand interactions’ infrastructure: from ubiquity and haptic comfort of paper books - by adding digital access from user-owned (IoT-like) SMART 2D-codes at #DUALbooks. Thank seamlessly 2D-encoded decentralized IDentities of the book’s patron (of public library user), i.e. via world-approved UpCode™ technology: MyData benefits are granted to user/ added to code’s primary feature - via link from user-owned 2D-code. E.g.: for e-book's Vital Accessibility; Platforms obey society, cut-off user-hated web ads.
The technology of #DUALbooks is compilation of best practice & cutting-edge tech, EU-approved:
- Books on-demand printing: e.g. at Rotomail, Milan since 2010, in Finland since 2017
- Digital printing & book production at ‘last mile’/near user: ‘Espresso Book Machine’
- Books flexible covers production: light & robust double-layered-paper for dust jackets
- SMART envelopes: opened by pulling thread straps, integrated into envelope form
- 2D-coding of printed pages, for (1) machine-readable tasks (also QR instead of DM) and (2) naked-eye / visuals
- Including VoicEye (2D-codes) for audio-books, making up-to A3 size printed pages speak
- UpCode™ Tags Management, MobileAccess&Interaction™, also as part of TagItSmart!
- Pressure Seal technology of SMARTpaper.fi™ forms, by supplier to 3M of Post-It notes
- MyData paradigm foruser-centricity of personal data usage: controlled by data subject
- Copyright‘s own-use-copy exemption & Marrakesh Treaty for Visually Impaired Persons
- Digitizing technologies, CC licensing / Open Access best practices, like ‘Tent scanning’
- Open Knowledge Int’l & Open Knowledge Finland expertise for people-centric data usage
#DUALbooks facilitate new business model, STOLIC-LUX: POS/library-agnostic books consumption
- enriching UX of book readers: paper books deliver audio, video, Augmented & own Media, digital learning actions / DLA
- raising accessibility and availability of book: like Google Books, but open ideology /OAccess
See also: Li-Fi, Sense, videos (in Finnish) in #DUALbooks-as-a-Service presentation; Innovations Diffusion; #DUALbooks acronym:
Digitizing for Universal Accessibility of Learning’s best practices (e.g. Funzi)
Œ!books in short:
- we print (also invisibly)
in TOpRIght corner/TORI of #DUALbooks,
for secure 1click-access to services
GDPR for citizens: mission is possible

due to evenly distribution of UpCode via Œ!books.
GDPR for citizens: mission impossible?
The devil is in the detail: bias of top-down built services produces wrong info-logistics
Practicality: paper books may digitally empower humans over communication biases - into hyperconnected world.
#DUALbooks-as-a-Service for consumer-centric interaction with services, leveraging GDPR.
This article is a draft for the Finnish magazine Tietoasiantuntija;
draft for author's future master thesis "Disruptive business models for social innovations".

(c) SMART PAPER, 2017
Legal assessment of the public (and hence private businesses') duty,
what3words, a Unique Identifier Code
By combining what3words with Ethereum KYC (blockchain approach: sending mail with a Unique Identifier Code to a physical address of a country inhabitant /a tourist, IDP, disabled person),
SMART PAPER stickers inside mass B2C letters provide new paradigm of access to digital services: anonymous, MiData and conform to eIDAS & PSD2, using best EU practices. E.g. conform to eSuomi.fi for access to public services, to SuisseID (eCH IAM) for uniform identity access to public and private services.
Because SMART PAPER makes messages (electronic mail, paper letters) non-hackable, thanks to our 'dual documents' non-postal delivery platform. It combines email with 'back-up' offline message with mobile-ID sticker: you make transactions (access to e-services, mobile payments PSD2 conform) 'in1gesture' - by showing your 2D-coded sticker /or your smartphone screen - to any internet connected camera - in any country.
Even if no mobile connection and no internet available; use what3words as your ID or as password and use UpCode to access electronic services, also offline.
Via hundreds of millions utility bills and mass B2C letters (SMART PAPER), billions of mass products' sensor stickers (TagItSmart), in Finland from 2017. Then in EU, India (as supplement to Aadhaar) ...
(c) SMART PAPER, 2017
How to access digital services anonymously
How to access digital services personally but anonymously: use SMART PAPER! (Concept below).
You wish to watch premiere of the film but you've got flu and must stay at home?
- rent a VR set from local library (Espoo, Finland: Iso Omenan...)
- or go to library and watch there any film at rented PC with a screen filter, protecting from watching
How to obtain permission to watch with respect to IPR of the film (make affordable payment), to print out a rare e-textbook to read inside library?
- order your personal SMART PAPER access code from our website - it arrives in seconds to your e-mail
- change password (see previous blog above) before first use, you may also use VPN to avoid cookies
- to be sure that no virus/malicious software comes from MitM attack - wait for hard copy confirmation,
it is obtainable from your nearest SMART POS, also at your next home utility bill
- newest technology of printing at your wrist allows to carry unhackable own SMART code - SMART PAPER STICKER - from your utility bill or from nearest SMART POS
- even in 'Naked approach' IoT environments.
(c) SMART PAPER, 2016
SMART PAPER at Slideshare
1. Slideshare, pitch at SLUSH.
I am Vladimir Kuparinen, СEO of start-up SMART PAPER, Espoo, Finland.
We softly-push people from paper documents to digital/omni-channel,
we offer B2B service ‘production + distribution of consumer-centric B2C, G2C SMART documents’:
- it’s paper AND digital = not EITHER paper OR DIGITAL
- brings engagement to digitalization: fun, benefits, saves messaging costs & adds VAS. For ‘housewives’. Trial country: Finland (pre-trial Russia done in 2007-2012), target: EU.
It’s so called Hybrid Letters/HL = ’two-products-in-one’: less costly and more ‘green’ than ‘singular’ messages. Scientists proved that delivery of ‘purely digital’ electronic bill is more harmful to nature & COSTS to society = of 15 paper invoices. eIDAS-2015: HL, paper will make 50% of messaging (rest is e-letters), see graph below left
2. At ULTRAHACK we discussed a collaboration model with Suomi.fi Service Views: its ‘one stop shop’ to public services model, if applied to telecoms’ bills (opt-in HL) = - 24M...120M € B/C costs p.A.;
- and telecoms could benefit from HL ‘Uberized’ delivery #sharedeconomy = up-sell traffic to locals:
‘Uber’-delivery by local people = 20 cents eco-cashback, paid in form of DOUBLED air-time/DCB
- HL cut 10% of all costs of messages in society (produced by telecoms: e-billing report-2016 Bilentis)
We offer to enhance B2C, G2C INTERaction, in addition to Finnish gov’t plan/ centralized Suomi.fi Views to services: its OBLIGATION model is used by max. 80% of citizen for G2C (in EU: from less 10%: Germany De-Mail/E-Postbrief, Finnish NetPosti; to Denmark eBoks/eDem), much less attractive for B2C postal letters (a number of quality failures arose on the mail side).
3. SMART PAPER docs are one-sheet mailers printed at ‘last mile’.
Investment/leasing costs for HL technology/ SMART, DECENTRALIZED printing for whole Finland:
- 2 M € (150 SMART printers); trial for market’s 10%: SMART printers in 15 public libraries, Espoo http://smartpaper.fi/en/misc/projects/library-rfid-project_owning-data_private-state-collaboration/
4. HL are approved as best postal innovation-2016 in Germany (DRUPA award: bit-kasten GmbH)
- used since 2012 by Swiss Post, success stories in UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden: https://www.compart.com/en/customer-stories
5. SMART PAPER exchanges envelopes by mailer forms that allow to print letters decentralized, LOCALLY = without ca. 100 km each letter travelling to&from postal sorting; it saves 20…80% of postage costs (150 M € p. A., we already achieved: Rus. Post had to cut 80% of tariffs there for 1 B mailer letters/bills)
- one-sheet mailers instead of envelopes: used in all developed countries, except of Finland.
6. No spam: paper /physical carrier’s auth. factor UpCode at HL prevents MitM attacks: less costs, more security of important digital messages, blocking viruses / spam e-mails, non-authorized paper ads.
7. And the ‘third-product-in-one’: Magic Sticker (integrated in SMART PAPER forms):
- for cost-effective ‘Naked Approach’ © to IoT, quick & more secure mobile payments (DCB builds secure, anonymous ID); third parties digital services cross-sell (UpCode Mobile Access & Interaction™)
-‘uberization’ of letters delivery, by local people instead of postmen: see at SMART PAPER website http://smartpaper.fi/en/misc/projects/smart-postal-platform-end-user-centric/
(c) SMART PAPER, 2016
DUAL documents
We at SmartPaper.fi suggest more secure (via additional/ PHYSICAL/SmartPaper authentication factor) DUAL documents, that combine paper&digital (competition / or addition to Finnish state services NetPosti, beta.suomi.fi)
- in order to softly-push consumers to digital communication/mobile interaction
- to ‘turn communication from head to feet’: from business-centric to customer-centric.
It might leverage #sharedeconomy (‘piggybaggy’ /Uberized delivery of B2C letters by locals) and #circulareconomy (3D-printed from paper home appliances - for ‘bonus points’ when SMART/mobile shredding of docs), MyData, Real Time Economy etc.: to name a few pro’s of SmartPaper dual (Œ) documents.
Quick and the resource-effective way to acquire millions of households to electronic interaction via mobile gadgets / then Naked Approach – could be:
- some PPP would start to order bills from telecoms in e-form (encrypted pdf to what3words e-mail address’, with UpCode for 100% track&trace - in place of postal 2D-code, with Compart.com - see Swiss Post / DB dual docs), and then deliver these bills to ‘paper-adherent’ customers by Hybrid Mail (Hybrid Letters are printed near receiver vs ‘centralized printing’ by Posti/PostNord).
- It means that customers would receive ‘two-products-in-one’ (and even three-in-one, if TagItSmart added, but without NFC = SmartPaper tags: to fight IoT vulnerability),
- and for the price e.g. 0,4 EUR instead of e.g. 1,9 EUR for an ‘Elisa's’ over-charged paper bill
- Elisa’s fees for paper bills violate the EU Directive and human right to choice of information:
"Paper invoices and electronic invoices should be treated equally and the administrative burden on paper invoicing should not increase".
- Posti price is 0,5…1,1 EUR for corporate customer.
How to establish such PPP / Public-Private partnership
- if you consider PPP communication channel relevant vs a.m. ‘state’ channels
- in Germany at least 4 competing channels co-exist;
- Russia, China, Tadzhikistan are building a 'single channel' for citizen (like Finland, if no competition to ‘state’ channel of access to/from administrative services)
- Nordea announced a ‘mobile’ authentication instead of less DDoS vulnerable (imho) ‘pankkitunnus kortti’ / paper authentication factor.
Now we have agreed about trials with two (starting new business of paper letters delivery) competitors of Posti,
- and we research an option to deliver dual docs independently from these (costly) partners – via PPP.
(c) SMART PAPER, 2016